Internet of Things And Its Effects On Digital Marketing

Imagine this scenario- You are headed home after a long day at work. As soon as your car halts at your doorstep, the coffee machine in your kitchen starts brewing coffee for you. As you enter through the front door, the water heats up for your shower. In the meanwhile, your toaster has already started making sandwiches for you after ordering more bread from the local grocery store!

Sounds too surreal?

Well, considering the pace of technological advancements in the Internet of Things, that scenario may actually be a reality sooner than you think.

Introduction to the Internet of Things

Think of ‘Internet of Things’ (IoT) as a giant network of devices that are capable of connecting to the internet or each other. Examples could be refrigerators, cars, fans, table lamps, coffee machines, and almost all the electrical items that surround us. Such a giant interconnection will encourage diverse accomplishments in many sectors, but for marketers the question is: “How will Internet of Things change the world of Online Display Advertising?”

Data will become more relevant than ever

As more and more devices will be connected to each other, data is expected to proliferate at an overwhelming rate. The primary concern for marketers will be to come up with tools and technologies that are capable of processing this data. As marketers become better at harnessing the massive amounts of data, they will be able to leverage it to run highly targeted online display advertising campaigns.

Companies Will Deliver Enhanced Services

With increased digital touch-points, newer patterns and correlations will emerge from the accumulated data. This information will help companies deliver enhanced and superior services through improved omni-channel personalization across touch-points.

However, such a high level of personalization raises privacy concerns. In addition to offering more personalized ads, marketers will need to make it easier for customers to opt out. One way to balance personalization with customer privacy will be to provide opt-outs at all levels.

According a recent report, marketers named the Internet of Things as the Number 1 trend that will change the marketing world by 2020. In the light of recent transformations witnessed by the world in a few years, this change could be even bigger than it seems.

For farsighted marketers, now is the time to analyze their existing strategies to be prepared for the new era. Like it or not, IoT is coming and is set to take the marketing world by storm.